16 Resources for Free Math Activities, Games, Worksheets, and More

16 Resources for Free Math Activities, Games, Worksheets, and More

For Parents and Teachers

  1. Online games, printable worksheets, guided lessons and more. Organized by grade level, from Preschool through 6th grade: https://www.education.com/games/math/
  2. Want to get your kids AWAY from the computer, but still learning math? Here are games and activities that will keep them moving: https://www.weareteachers.com/active-math-games/
  3. Here’s a list of 11 free math sites with games and activities that include sorting, counting, tessellations and fractions: https://blog.reallygoodstuff.com/11-free-math-sites-for-kids/
  4. Math practice sorted by grade level from PreK through 8th grade. You can also search for math practice by skill, like Decimals, or Money, Multiplication, Fractions and more: https://www.mathgames.com/
  5. Just for Preschoolers – 15 Hands-On Math Activities: https://teachingmama.org/15-hands-on-math-activities-preschoolers/
  6. Algebra video courses for grades 6 – 12: https://www.algebranation.com/
  7. This is a resource for High School math with worksheets, games, projects, tutorials, and more: http://www.funmaths.com/
  8. For grades 6 – 12, includes lessons, skills practice resources, and educational videos: https://www.weareteachers.com/fun-math-activities/
  9. Secondary Math Games & Activities – Grades 7 – 12: https://study.com/academy/topic/secondary-math-games-activities.html
  10. Free Math Resources for Schools During the COVID-19 Outbreak: https://thejournal.com/articles/2020/04/28/updated-free-math-resources-for-schools-during-the-covid-19-outbreak.aspx
  11. Real-world lessons from Mathalicious for middle and high school teachers: https://www.mathalicious.com/
  12. Math Teacher Resources: Lesson Plans, Games & More: https://www.mathteaching.org/math-teacher-resources-lesson-plans-games-more/
  13. Math Resources for Teachers includes worksheets, lesson plans, videos, games & apps, activities, classroom tools and more: https://www.teachervision.com/subjects/mathematics
  14. PreK – 8 Grade Fifteen Math Games in 15 Minutes or Less: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/articles/teaching-content/15-math-games-15-minutes-or-less/
  15. Free Lessons & Publications from Pre-K through 12th Grade: https://www.mathlearningcenter.org/resources/lessons
  16. 55 of the Best Math Activities for Preschoolers: https://fun-a-day.com/math-activities-for-preschoolers/