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What You Love
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Tutoring Made Easy

PLEASE NOTE: All TutorUp tutors are required to be certified teachers in the U.S. We may accept retired teachers and teachers whose certifications are lapsed, under certain circumstances. Experienced college instructors and professors are exempted from a certification requirement.
Payment to Tutors
After each completed tutoring session, you’ll be asked to fill out a session recap. TutorUp pays you directly. No waiting around for the parent to pay you, no having to follow up with or invoice the parent yourself, and no having to worry about different payment methods. You teach, submit a recap, and we deposit money in your account after each completed recap. All of our teacher/tutors are paid $30 per hour.
No Travel!
We offer strictly online tutoring sessions. This enables you to tutor from the comfort of your own home, and eliminates the concern over social distancing. Our online platform uses our own ZOOM account and is secure and easy to use.
Free Initial Consultation
When we match you with a student, we facilitate the initial contact between tutor and parent. This gives you the opportunity to find out about the student, collaborate with the parent on setting goals, coordinate scheduling, and make sure you both agree that it’s a good match.
Session Recaps
At the end of each session, you’ll be asked to submit a written recap online. This recap is available to the parents and, if they wish, to the student’s classroom teacher to keep them informed about the student’s progress. Recaps should be brief but include enough info to keep the parent up to date on progress.
Tutor Profile
Your profile allows parents and students to see who they will be working with. It’s your opportunity to brag about yourself and let parents know what motivates you to be a tutor. Answer some basic questions about your teaching experience, upload a profile picture, and our system does the rest. Parents can browse these public profiles and select a tutor, or we pair you based on what the parent is looking for. Parents are MUCH more likely to select a tutor with a selfie, so definitely upload your photo!
Background Checks
At TutorUp, we take great pride in offering the best to our parents. To insure that we are pairing our students with the right teachers, we require a background check of all our tutors. Our 3rd party background-check partner is Checkr (formerly GoodHire) and they handle the process at no cost to you. It’s very secure, easy, and is another way we stand out in the tutoring industry.
Tutor Login
Log in to your TutorUp account.