We help K-12 students achieve their academic goals
by pairing them with real teachers!
TutorUp isn’t your average online tutoring platform!
TutorUp is an online tutoring platform providing live, private, personalized tutoring services. One-on-one tutoring, with certified, classroom-experienced teachers, for all grades from Pre-K through High School, in all academic subjects.
Pricing plans to fit your needs
We offer multiple sized packages and subscriptions so you have options

For Families
Looking for an online tutor? TutorUp provides affordable one-on-one tutoring with a secure platform, scheduler, and session recaps for students.
For Tutors
Become a TutorUp tutor! We offer high pay, flexible scheduling, and automatic payments to your account. Fill out our questionnaire and schedule an interview.
We offer customized tutoring at an outrageous price!
Every Tutor is a certified teacher
All our tutors are certified, background-checked, experienced classroom teachers.
Online tutoring in a 1-on-1 setting
Each student gets the undivided attention and personalized support they need. Now partnered with ZOOM for ease of use.
Flexible pricing options
Choose one session, a package, or a subscription. The more you sign up for, the lower the price.
Our Success Stories
Hear it from our happy students!
Package Pricing
Subscriptions Available
Flexible Length of Tutoring Sessions
120 Minutes
Regularly $116- 120 Minutes
- Unlimited tutors
- Flexible Scheduling
- Online ZOOM Session
- Session Recaps
- Recordings & Transcripts
240 Minutes
Regularly $232- 240 Minutes
- Unlimited tutors
- Flexible Scheduling
- Online ZOOM Session
- Session Recaps
- Recordings & Transcripts
480 Minutes
Regularly $464- 480 Minutes
- Unlimited Tutors
- Flexible Scheduling
- Online ZOOM Session
- Session Recaps
- Recordings & Transcripts