Back in School – what’s the scoop?

Students are 5 months behind in Math and 4 months behind in Reading
A recently published study by McKinsey & Company reveals that after a year in remote and hybrid learning, students in the United States have fallen behind significantly. Assessment tests showed the biggest loss is in math, averaging 5 months behind, and English following at 4 months behind.
Learning loss isn’t the only side effect
Roughly 80 percent of 16,870 parents surveyed had “some level of concern” about their child’s mental health or social and emotional health and development since the pandemic began
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- The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that about 3.3% of students in the U.S. were homeschooled before the pandemic. That number is now at 11.1% or 5 million.
- By the end of 2018 (the last available figures) more than 3.3 million students in the U.S. attended charter schools.
- There are almost 35,000 private schools in the United States, serving 5.7 million PK-12 students. 78% of these are religiously-affiliated schools.
- Enrollment in community colleges, other two-year college programs, and four-year colleges is down while the dropout rate in high schools is up.
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